The Shining One 闪闪发光的你

The Shining One is a Chinese Reality Program that judges the financial talents of young interns. Season 2 focuses on the work of investment banks, and designed five rich and multi-dimensional assessment topics for 9 interns. During this show, the internes are selected and assessed by the company while the guest group observing and discussing their behaviors.

These top interns will participate in the daily work of investment banks, such as industry research, due diligence, issuance pricing, etc. They will face continuous pressure and unexpected situations in which they will learn how to deal with practical problems and fit in with new position. The show also invites some financial experts as “observation team members”. By analyzing the experiences of the interns in investment banking, they will provide viewers with practical workplace skills.

《闪闪发光的你 2》是国内首档聚焦金融行业的青春职场观察类真人秀节目。S2 围绕投资银行的工作,为 9 位实习生设计了 5 个丰富多维的考核课题。实习生们既需要相互合作来完成课题,又需要展现自己的实力和闪光点,为自己争取 offer。节目中,通过实习生们走进上市公司、对话领军人物、深入境内外一体化业务实践,真实地呈现了投行实地服务企业场景。

节目组还请了具有金融行业背景的专家型嘉宾作为“观察团成员”。通过分析实习生们在投行中的经历,为观众拆解出实用的职场宝典技能。《闪光 2》在展现投行服务实体经济和科技创新的价值追求的同时,也希望通过九位实习生真实、生动、热血的职场之旅,为即将毕业的大学生人群和广大青年观众提供贴心的就业指导。

Genre: Reality show, Finance, Format

Duration: 75min / 10ep


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谢诚Cheng Xie